Monday 11 March 2013

Sound and Colour Meditations to help enable more Time For You,,,

                                                   what they are and what they represent

The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Chakra are believed to be centres of the body from which a person can collect energy. They are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Its name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning" (cakraṃ चक्रं [ˈtʃəkrə̃], pronounced [ˈtʃəkrə] in Hindi; Pali: cakka चक्क, Oriya: ଚକ୍ର, Malayalam: ചക്രം, Thai: จักระ, Telugu: చక్రo, Tamil: சக்கரம், Kannada: ಚಕ್ರ, Chinese: 輪/轮, pinyin: lún, Standard Tibetan: འཁོར་ལོ་, Wylie: 'khor lo).
Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body but are generally understood as being part of the "subtle body" which cannot be found through autopsy. While breath channels (nāḍis) of yogic practices had already been discussed in the classical Upanishads, it was not until the eighth-century Buddhist Hevajra Tantra and Caryāgiti, that hierarchies of chakras were introduced.[1][2]    
(taken from wikipedia )

Chakra is the widely accepted ancient term that we still use today and at its simplest level it describes the motion of the energy at certain points around the body, more specifically where two or more energy streams meet.

Although you cannot see them with the naked eye and most people can't touch or feel them you can become much more aware of them. I firmly believe it is an advantage to be more aware of your Chakra energy, especially when you realise how it links with not just your physical body but your emotions and mental activity too.

The Ancient Mystics 'saw' these energy centres and named them Chakras, as they likened the motion to that of a turning wheel or a spinning disc. There is a slight variation in positioning but by and large we tend to work with the Major Seven Chakras, though there are many more.

Each of the seven Chakras has an individual colour attributed to it. This is not by chance or random choice as each colour is proven to have its own frequency and the colours attributed to the Chakras correspond with the vibration of the energy centre itself.

Energy is all about frequency, vibration, resonance; whether that is in pulses or waves. The Colours of the Chakras are;

Base Chakra, the first chakra
Element= earth
Colour= red
Body aspects= physical foundation, elimination of wastes, rectum, legs , feet, testosterone and estrogen
Instinct= survival, procreation
Psychological aspects= feeding, shelter, safety, ability to provide for oneself
Glands= ovaries, testes
Seeds= Kundalini , abundance
Negative expressions= hoarding predatory, behaviour, mindless violence, chronic fatigue, birth trauma, abandonment issues

Sacral Chakra, the second chakra
Element= water
Colour= orange
Body Aspects= Digestion, intestines, kidneys, urinary tract,, sexual potency, adrenaline. lower back pain, menstrual pain, loss of appetite
Instinct= sexuality
Psychological Aspects= power, money, sex, control, passion, self esteem, sexual or emotional abuse, inherited parental issues, incest.
Glands= Adrenals
Seeds= creativity, compassion, family
Negative expression= fear, fighting

Solar plexus, the third chakra
Element= fire
Colour= Yellow
Body Aspects= stomach, abdomen, liver, pancreas, storing and releasing energy, spleen.
Instinct= power
Psychological, Aspects= Courage, power, expression in the world.
Gland= pancreas
Seeds= Autonomy, individuation, selfless service, fulfilment of dreams, longevity.
Negative expression= Gastrointestinal disorders, anorexia, sorrow, pride, ego, inflation, neurotic symptoms, low energy, victim mentality, temper tantrums, shame.

Heart chakra, the forth chakra
Element= Air
Colour= Green
Body Aspects,= Circulatory system, lungs, breasts, heart,
Instinct= Love
Psychological Aspects= love , hope, surrender to another, compassion, intimacy,
Seeds= Selfless love, forgiveness
Negative expression= asthma, immune deficiencies, ego aggrandizement, resentment, selfishness, grief, loneliness, abandonment, betrayal

Throat chakra, the fifth chakra
Element= light
Colour= blue
Body Aspects= throat, mouth, neck, oesophagus
Instinct= Psychic expression
Psychological Aspects= Manifesting dreams, creativity, communication, faith
Glands= Thyroid, parathyroid
Seeds= personal power, faith, will
Negative expression= Betrayal, addiction, psychosis, sleep disorder, lies, fear of speaking out, gossiping, toxicity

Brow chakra, the sixth chakra
Element= Pure light
Colour= indigo
Body Aspects=brain, eyes, nervous system,
Instinct= truth
Psychological aspects= Reason, logic, intelligence, empathy, Gland= Pituitary
Seed= enlightenment, self realization
Negative expression= delusion, neuroses, inadequacy, seizures, depression, stress related disorders, denial

Crown chakra, the seventh chakra
Element= Pure energy
Colour= violet
Body Aspects= selflessness, integrity, wisdom,
Seed= transcendence, illumination
Negative expression= Psychoses, regression, cynicism

The sacred chakra, the eighth chakra
Element= Soul
Colour= Gold
Body Aspects= Architect of the body
Instinct= transcendence
Psychological aspects= none
Gland= none
Seeds= timelessness
Negative expression= templates of disease, cosmic horror

Universal chakra, the ninth chakra
Element= spirit
Colour= Translucent white light
Body aspects= none
Instinct= liberation
Psychological aspects= none
Gland= none
Seeds= infinity
Negative expression= none    
some examples of sounds and colour for each Chakra are posted below, Enjoy :)

beginning with Root Chakra

moving to the Sacral Chakra

through to the Solar Plexus

meeting the Heart Chakra

balancing now with the Throat Chakra

aligning the  Third Eye { Brow Chakra)

closing with the beautiful awareness of the Crown Chakra

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