Saturday 12 January 2013

free the fire

the name freedafurn derived from freeing the furnace within.
As a hands on practitioner, there is much discovery in our elemental, emotional and physical bodies. There are times when the fire burns out, as there are times when the fire begins to blaze. Balancing the fire element Tending to our inner Fire, maintaining its warmth and illumination without letting its destructive, rapacious aspect control our lives is of the utmost importance for the Fire element. Fire will always burn to the limit of its fuel and oxygen supply. Learning to regulate and temper our inner Fire became my observation.

As a person born under the astrological element of fire decidedly chose the pseudonym 'freedafurn'.

Where Air is theory, Fire is practice. Air has the visions and dreams; Fire makes them reality. Fire loves the process of planning and doing, as long as things move smoothly along. Fire loves to mix it up in the world, to do things better and faster, and has the ability to pull it off. They invent new technology if the old doesn't work or gets in the way. 

When Fire is deficient
According to Chinese traditional medicine, the Fire element manifests in our body through the heart, small intestine, pericardium, and the function known as the triple heater,which regulates internal body temperature. Imagine a few of the myriad symptoms that can arise if our inner Fire is deficient: chills and numbness of the extremities, impaired circulation of the blood and bodily fluids, and menstrual, urinary, and sexual dysfunction. The lungs can lose their ability to expand and contract fully and easily, resulting in poor oxygenation of the blood, coughing, and nasal congestion. We may experience sluggish digestion, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea because the digestive organs lack the heat needed to process and assimilate nourishment. 

When Fire is excessive
At the other extreme, excessive heat can result in painful inflammation of the joints, hypersexuality, chronic infections, dryness of the lung, inflamed throat and sinus, burning diarrhea and urination. Excess heat can also dry out the stool and cause constipation. Affecting the heart, an excess of Fire can cause anxiety and sleep disturbance.
Fire affects the amount of fluid in the body: Too much heat dries up our internal reservoirs and waterways, and at the other extreme too little heat can result in an excess of fluid. Menstruation, sexual secretions, lubrication at joints, digestion, and metabolism, to name a few, reflect and depend upon the balance of our Fire element. 

Fire at the spirit level
On a deeper level, the Fire element expresses itself as joy and manifests within us as love, laughter, and enthusiasm. During summer, the season of maximum expansion, we can become aware of ourselves at our fullest. Drawing on the expansive warmth of Fire we can reach out and relate to the world like a flower opening. 

When something happens that brings on powerful emotions, as soon as you can, take time to focus on your breathing. Take three slow, gentle, deep breaths and focus on your lower dantien, which is right behind your belly button.

No matter whether the emotion is joy or anger, this way you don’t allow the emotion to go to the extreme. You still experience the emotion but by taking this time to Breathe you can keep yourself in balance and harmony. Remember, extreme emotions, good or bad, can create energy blockages.
This is the simplest tip for helping you balance the effect of fire energy and it really does help.
Here are some other simple tips.

Water +

balancing the fire element with the water element in the body >> 

would you be interested in receiving hands on acupressure with a qualified practitioner, do not hesitate, contact
Time for YOU Holistic Therapies

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