Tuesday 12 March 2013

Qi Gong offers more Time for YOU


♥ Quiet mind,
   Clean Chi,
   Make long life
.  One who smiles never ages,
   I am Air,
   I am Light, 
   I am Water
   flowing with the tide.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzD4svzG9j ( between heaven and earth)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r8IlnoTMOGs  (Qi Gong ancient Chinese healing for the 21C )

 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajTTYI4IdoE    ( Qi gong the ancient Art of Self Healing)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hO0P273wPXM    (Qi gong 14  movements)

A beautiful way of  giving  yourself and all sentient beings quality Time for You :)

Qigong, chi kung, or chi gung (simplified Chinese: 气功; traditional Chinese: 氣功; pinyin: qìgōng; Wade–Giles: chi4 gong1; literally "Life Energy Cultivation") is a practice of aligning breath, movement, and awareness for exercise, healing, and meditation.[1] With roots in Chinese medicine, martial arts, and philosophy, qigong is traditionally viewed as a practice to cultivate and balance qi (chi) or what has been translated as "intrinsic life energy".[2] Typically a qigong practice involves rhythmic breathing coordinated with slow stylized repetition of fluid movement, a calm mindful state, and visualization of guiding qi through the body.[3] Qigong is now practiced throughout China and worldwide, and is considered by some to be exercise, and by others to be a type of alternative medicine or meditative practice.[4] From a philosophical perspective qigong is believed to help develop human potential, allow access to higher realms of awareness, and awaken one's "true nature".[5]

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

you tube links below offer more understanding of  QI GONG




Non Personal Awareness

"Non-Personal Awareness is a living, breathing perspective. The NPA process is a simple way to invite transformation into your life, engaging with the freedom NPA brings thus beginning sustainable change for a better life experience

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA

Everything you need is right here for free

This short video gives you a really clear and concise introduction to Non-Personal Awareness and The NPA Process. The words to the process are laid out for you on the right. Enjoy your discovery of NPA!


The Non Personal Awareness sequence of words to try for yourselves :)

would you be interested in an experiential one to one guidance from an experienced practitioner do not hesitate, contact, freedafurn@gmail.com
Time for YOU Holistic Therapies

Monday 11 March 2013

The Endorphin Effect - How it works

William Bloom Interview- Endorphin Effect - How it works~


SMILE even a half smile will remind you the endorphins are ready to feed you in your natural flow :)

creating more Time For You,
How brilliant to recognise the power of our inner silent dialogues,,, How wonderful it is to catch ourselves in a non moment or a negative state and make good use of precious space within.  We  talk within ourselves  often without noticing,,,  yet becoming conscious of  our  mindless or mindful conversations within empowers us to change.

At a talk with William Bloom,  we were led through a short exercise of recognising our inner-self body and how the power of the words we use in this dimension can be very healing.  As we increase acknowledgement of inner dialogue we can lead the conversation.

the Given Exercise
sit comfortably for a moment or two and breath gently, when you are feeling relaxed, begin by saying hello to yourself,,,   feel free to be responsive,,,, continue acknowledging every inch of yourself
 ie, hello fingers,, hello , hello, nails,,, hello :), hello skin, hello,:), hello wrists, hello :) hello brain,:) hello heart, :)hello lungs,:) hello stomach :), hello legs :) hello veins :) hello red blood cells:) hello white blood cells:) hello tongue, hello teeth, hello lips, hello skull, hello ears, hello eardrum etc etc,,, covering every inch of your body,,, all things are living and all things rejoice in being acknowledged, even your hair follicles,,, remember we are a body of  many, many parts ,,,  when all parts are recognised and fed with kindness, our smile becomes inevitable,,,, thank you William Bloom,,,,
freedafurn :)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chemical structure of alpha-Neoendorphin (α-Neoendorphin)
Endorphins ("endogenous morphine") are endogenous opioid peptides that function as neurotransmitters.[1] They are produced by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus in vertebrates during exercise,[2] excitement, pain, consumption of spicy food, love and orgasm,[3][4] and they resemble the opiates in their abilities to produce analgesia and a feeling of well-being.
The term implies a pharmacological activity (analogous to the activity of the corticosteroid category of biochemicals) as opposed to a specific chemical formulation. It consists of two parts: endo- and -orphin; these are short forms of the words endogenous and morphine, intended to mean "a morphine-like substance originating from within the body."[5]
The term "endorphin rush" has been adopted in popular speech to refer to feelings of exhilaration brought on by pain, danger, or other forms of stress,[2] supposedly due to the influence of endorphins. When a nerve impulse reaches the spinal cord, endorphins that prevent nerve cells from releasing more pain signals are released.

would YOU like to enjoy a guided journey using the endorphin effect do not hesitate, contact freedafurn@gmail.com
Time for You Holistic Therapies



How to meditate


Meditation is a practice in which an individual trains the mind or induces a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit[1] or as an end in itself.[2]
The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices (much like the term sports) that includes techniques designed to promote relaxation, build internal energy (chi, ki, prana, etc.) and develop compassion,[3] love, patience, generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly sustained single-pointed concentration[4] single-pointed analysis,[5] meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity.
Meditation often involves an internal effort to self-regulate the mind in some way. Meditation can help clear the mind and ease many health issues, such as high blood pressure,[6] depression, and anxiety to name a few (Yoga Journal). It may be done sitting, or in an active way, for instance Buddhist monks involve awareness in their day-to-day activities as a form of mind-training. Prayer beads or other ritual objects are commonly used during meditation in order to keep track of or remind the practitioner about some aspect of the training. Meditation may involve generating an emotional state for the purpose of analyzing that state — such as anger, hatred, etc. — or cultivating particular mental response to various phenomena, such as compassion. The term "meditation" can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.[7] In brief, there are dozens of specific styles of meditation practice;[8] the word meditation may carry different meanings in different contexts. Meditation has been practiced since antiquity as a component of numerous religious traditions and beliefs. (This article is about the mental discipline from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meditation )

Sound and Colour Meditations to help enable more Time For You,,,

                                                   what they are and what they represent

The concept of chakra features in tantric and yogic traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Chakra are believed to be centres of the body from which a person can collect energy. They are connected to major organs or glands that govern other body parts. Its name derives from the Sanskrit word for "wheel" or "turning" (cakraṃ चक्रं [ˈtʃəkrə̃], pronounced [ˈtʃəkrə] in Hindi; Pali: cakka चक्क, Oriya: ଚକ୍ର, Malayalam: ചക്രം, Thai: จักระ, Telugu: చక్రo, Tamil: சக்கரம், Kannada: ಚಕ್ರ, Chinese: 輪/轮, pinyin: lún, Standard Tibetan: འཁོར་ལོ་, Wylie: 'khor lo).
Chakras correspond to vital points in the physical body but are generally understood as being part of the "subtle body" which cannot be found through autopsy. While breath channels (nāḍis) of yogic practices had already been discussed in the classical Upanishads, it was not until the eighth-century Buddhist Hevajra Tantra and Caryāgiti, that hierarchies of chakras were introduced.[1][2]    
(taken from wikipedia )

Chakra is the widely accepted ancient term that we still use today and at its simplest level it describes the motion of the energy at certain points around the body, more specifically where two or more energy streams meet.

Although you cannot see them with the naked eye and most people can't touch or feel them you can become much more aware of them. I firmly believe it is an advantage to be more aware of your Chakra energy, especially when you realise how it links with not just your physical body but your emotions and mental activity too.

The Ancient Mystics 'saw' these energy centres and named them Chakras, as they likened the motion to that of a turning wheel or a spinning disc. There is a slight variation in positioning but by and large we tend to work with the Major Seven Chakras, though there are many more.

Each of the seven Chakras has an individual colour attributed to it. This is not by chance or random choice as each colour is proven to have its own frequency and the colours attributed to the Chakras correspond with the vibration of the energy centre itself.

Energy is all about frequency, vibration, resonance; whether that is in pulses or waves. The Colours of the Chakras are;

Base Chakra, the first chakra
Element= earth
Colour= red
Body aspects= physical foundation, elimination of wastes, rectum, legs , feet, testosterone and estrogen
Instinct= survival, procreation
Psychological aspects= feeding, shelter, safety, ability to provide for oneself
Glands= ovaries, testes
Seeds= Kundalini , abundance
Negative expressions= hoarding predatory, behaviour, mindless violence, chronic fatigue, birth trauma, abandonment issues

Sacral Chakra, the second chakra
Element= water
Colour= orange
Body Aspects= Digestion, intestines, kidneys, urinary tract,, sexual potency, adrenaline. lower back pain, menstrual pain, loss of appetite
Instinct= sexuality
Psychological Aspects= power, money, sex, control, passion, self esteem, sexual or emotional abuse, inherited parental issues, incest.
Glands= Adrenals
Seeds= creativity, compassion, family
Negative expression= fear, fighting

Solar plexus, the third chakra
Element= fire
Colour= Yellow
Body Aspects= stomach, abdomen, liver, pancreas, storing and releasing energy, spleen.
Instinct= power
Psychological, Aspects= Courage, power, expression in the world.
Gland= pancreas
Seeds= Autonomy, individuation, selfless service, fulfilment of dreams, longevity.
Negative expression= Gastrointestinal disorders, anorexia, sorrow, pride, ego, inflation, neurotic symptoms, low energy, victim mentality, temper tantrums, shame.

Heart chakra, the forth chakra
Element= Air
Colour= Green
Body Aspects,= Circulatory system, lungs, breasts, heart,
Instinct= Love
Psychological Aspects= love , hope, surrender to another, compassion, intimacy,
Seeds= Selfless love, forgiveness
Negative expression= asthma, immune deficiencies, ego aggrandizement, resentment, selfishness, grief, loneliness, abandonment, betrayal

Throat chakra, the fifth chakra
Element= light
Colour= blue
Body Aspects= throat, mouth, neck, oesophagus
Instinct= Psychic expression
Psychological Aspects= Manifesting dreams, creativity, communication, faith
Glands= Thyroid, parathyroid
Seeds= personal power, faith, will
Negative expression= Betrayal, addiction, psychosis, sleep disorder, lies, fear of speaking out, gossiping, toxicity

Brow chakra, the sixth chakra
Element= Pure light
Colour= indigo
Body Aspects=brain, eyes, nervous system,
Instinct= truth
Psychological aspects= Reason, logic, intelligence, empathy, Gland= Pituitary
Seed= enlightenment, self realization
Negative expression= delusion, neuroses, inadequacy, seizures, depression, stress related disorders, denial

Crown chakra, the seventh chakra
Element= Pure energy
Colour= violet
Body Aspects= selflessness, integrity, wisdom,
Seed= transcendence, illumination
Negative expression= Psychoses, regression, cynicism

The sacred chakra, the eighth chakra
Element= Soul
Colour= Gold
Body Aspects= Architect of the body
Instinct= transcendence
Psychological aspects= none
Gland= none
Seeds= timelessness
Negative expression= templates of disease, cosmic horror

Universal chakra, the ninth chakra
Element= spirit
Colour= Translucent white light
Body aspects= none
Instinct= liberation
Psychological aspects= none
Gland= none
Seeds= infinity
Negative expression= none    
some examples of sounds and colour for each Chakra are posted below, Enjoy :)

beginning with Root Chakra

moving to the Sacral Chakra

through to the Solar Plexus

meeting the Heart Chakra

balancing now with the Throat Chakra

aligning the  Third Eye { Brow Chakra)

closing with the beautiful awareness of the Crown Chakra

Saturday 12 January 2013

free the fire

the name freedafurn derived from freeing the furnace within.
As a hands on practitioner, there is much discovery in our elemental, emotional and physical bodies. There are times when the fire burns out, as there are times when the fire begins to blaze. Balancing the fire element Tending to our inner Fire, maintaining its warmth and illumination without letting its destructive, rapacious aspect control our lives is of the utmost importance for the Fire element. Fire will always burn to the limit of its fuel and oxygen supply. Learning to regulate and temper our inner Fire became my observation.

As a person born under the astrological element of fire decidedly chose the pseudonym 'freedafurn'.

Where Air is theory, Fire is practice. Air has the visions and dreams; Fire makes them reality. Fire loves the process of planning and doing, as long as things move smoothly along. Fire loves to mix it up in the world, to do things better and faster, and has the ability to pull it off. They invent new technology if the old doesn't work or gets in the way. 

When Fire is deficient
According to Chinese traditional medicine, the Fire element manifests in our body through the heart, small intestine, pericardium, and the function known as the triple heater,which regulates internal body temperature. Imagine a few of the myriad symptoms that can arise if our inner Fire is deficient: chills and numbness of the extremities, impaired circulation of the blood and bodily fluids, and menstrual, urinary, and sexual dysfunction. The lungs can lose their ability to expand and contract fully and easily, resulting in poor oxygenation of the blood, coughing, and nasal congestion. We may experience sluggish digestion, abdominal pain, and watery diarrhea because the digestive organs lack the heat needed to process and assimilate nourishment. 

When Fire is excessive
At the other extreme, excessive heat can result in painful inflammation of the joints, hypersexuality, chronic infections, dryness of the lung, inflamed throat and sinus, burning diarrhea and urination. Excess heat can also dry out the stool and cause constipation. Affecting the heart, an excess of Fire can cause anxiety and sleep disturbance.
Fire affects the amount of fluid in the body: Too much heat dries up our internal reservoirs and waterways, and at the other extreme too little heat can result in an excess of fluid. Menstruation, sexual secretions, lubrication at joints, digestion, and metabolism, to name a few, reflect and depend upon the balance of our Fire element. 

Fire at the spirit level
On a deeper level, the Fire element expresses itself as joy and manifests within us as love, laughter, and enthusiasm. During summer, the season of maximum expansion, we can become aware of ourselves at our fullest. Drawing on the expansive warmth of Fire we can reach out and relate to the world like a flower opening. 

When something happens that brings on powerful emotions, as soon as you can, take time to focus on your breathing. Take three slow, gentle, deep breaths and focus on your lower dantien, which is right behind your belly button.

No matter whether the emotion is joy or anger, this way you don’t allow the emotion to go to the extreme. You still experience the emotion but by taking this time to Breathe you can keep yourself in balance and harmony. Remember, extreme emotions, good or bad, can create energy blockages.
This is the simplest tip for helping you balance the effect of fire energy and it really does help.
Here are some other simple tips.

Water +

balancing the fire element with the water element in the body >> 

would you be interested in receiving hands on acupressure with a qualified practitioner, do not hesitate, contact freedafurn@gmal.com
Time for YOU Holistic Therapies