Wednesday 9 November 2022

Practicing meditation giving Time for You ^ Pranic Awareness

I guess I am on blog catch up, as there are other holistic practises that held the space offering Time for You that have since given ethos to my practise during and since the co-vid era.

I met Master Stephen Co on You Tube, a meditational practise offering consistency of aim and effort on a weekly basis, absolutely timely I thought and subscribed, a bit delayed in sharing this on my Time for You Blog, there have been posts on the Time for You fb Page. :)(:

2 years on i am still holding court to both Master Co and Anchor the light meditations for my spiritual development and awareness and after meeting Master Co and some of his fellow Pranic therapists I have since completed my level one Pranik healing course, 

I recommend this especially to reiki practitioners, its next level, and it is an awesome practise that I feel more knowledge can only enhance any holistic practise, yes, awareness is quay.

so far so good, so much so i would like to introduce this here.

Master Co

as Master Co paid a visit to the UK in September of this year, i decided to go to one of the live seminars, I met pyranic therapists at the event, and was invited to do the level one pranic healing course, which i can happily say i have now completed.

as a reiki practitioner it enhances the practise and introduces skills vital to self-healing and self-protection during distance healing for others, it also enhanced my awareness of the magical workings of the unseen masters and guides to which i owe my gratitude in full.

what is pranic healing

Joyfully I have since learnt that there is a pranic healing clinic here in Bristol and an opportunity to progress in this field of awareness through practise, discipline and meditations.

I recommend meditation with Master CO
                            Master Co - YouTube
Anchor the Light
Twin Hearts,
I find meditational awareness has enhanced so many areas of my life and practise in a very short space of time, a delight to practise and continue to grow and learn. <3

Namaste  <>


A Soul called Joel <> Power of Journaling.

The Power Of Journaling - YouTube 

browsing through Instagram recently i came across a reel by a soul called Joel, and my heart alit a beat that it hadn't felt for quite some time, so i connected, and further discovered he is a holistic Practitioner, singer, songwriter, and a beautiful soul. 
i have gone the next step and bought the journal which arrived today,

instinctively i went to you tube and my AI must be on point, because the lead i needed for guidance through the journal appeared on my you tube channel, syncronisity :) perhaps, lol.

anyhows, when i come across integrity and beauty combined with learning and teaching valuable tools to help us through life, i was unable to let this opportunity pass me by, and why i want to post this mini blog today.
1 to give thanks to the divine
2 to give thanks to integrity
3 to give thanks for the power of now <>

4 to give thanks to a soulcalledjoel for a beat in
wisdom that had been missing from my heart and a breath that had been absent from my skin <> welcome Joel 
a soul who truly does have Time for EWE <3
